Latest Past Events

District 6 Meeting (Nov. 2024)

Beaufort Fire Station 135 Ribaut Road, Beaufort

The District 6 meeting will be on May 18, 2024. This meeting will be HYBRID. Your GR or CMA should receive additional information for location, time and how to connect to the meeting if attending virtually.

District 6 Meeting (Sep. 2024)


Our District meeting is scheduled for this Saturday 09/14/2024 at 10:00 AM (Covered Dish Lunch at noon). Attached, please find the agenda, DR’s Report, previous meeting minutes to be approved, Treasure’s report, mileage expense form, District Inventory results, and most recent trusted servants list. We’ll attempt to keep the meeting as short as possible. Please […]

District 6 Meeting (May 2024)

Beaufort Fire Station 135 Ribaut Road, Beaufort

The District 6 meeting will be on May 18, 2024. This meeting will be HYBRID. Your GR or CMA should receive additional information for location, time and how to connect to the meeting if attending virtually.